Global Newswire Release

ECOBOND® Paint LLC is proud to announce the approval for their Odor & Smoke Blocking Paint to be sold online at Home Depot. “We are proud to continue our long-standing relationship with Home Depot and are thrilled that they have picked up our newest environmental paint product.” stated James Barthel, President and creator of ECOBOND®.  “After extensive research and development, a revolutionary breakthrough allowed us to successfully develop a smoke and  specially formulated as a defense and protection against odor, smoke & fumes from cigarette, pot, fire, as well as pet and other annoying odors”, continued Barthel. “We are passionate about restoring our environment and protecting people from the hazards of smoke & odor with our patent-pending ECOBOND® OdorDefender™ paint technology. As we researched the prevalence of this problem, we discovered facts and statistics on both the staggering number of cigarette as well as marijuana smokers, combined with scientific studies on an interesting phenomenon called ‘Thirdhand Smoke’, we knew we had to develop a solution, and I’m pleased to report that we have, and that it is now available on Home Depot!”, Barthel concluded.

ECOBOND® OdorDefender™ uses a proprietary, patent-pending specialty formulation, allowing them to bring this eco-friendly paint solution to market at an affordable low price. The formulation includes odor blocking resins, food-grade mineral additives, and alginate from seaweed; nature’s most effective absorber of toxic pollutants. This powerful combination gives peace of mind that odor issues will be sealed and blocked, while protecting human health.

In side-by-side comparisons, ECOBOND® OdorDefender™ outperformed every leading odor and smoke blocking paint product on the market in key areas including: price, coverage per square foot, odor blocking, odor absorption, and fire & mold resistance.

To purchase ECOBOND® OdorDefender™ on Home Depot with free shipping, click here.


Odor blocking paint



ECOBOND® Paint, LLC is the premier provider of environmental products focused on protecting human health from the dangers of lead, smoke & odor. With over 15 years in patented and proven success, the ECOBOND® family of products have served over 100,000 customers in the United States and Internationally.

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